Performance Development: 4 Elements of the Success Formula

By a Gallup study, only 2 out of 10 employees agree that their performance is managed in a way that encourages them to do outstanding work. ‍How do you turn this around? We suggest moving from standard performance management to performance development. Managers can learn to coach employees, shifting how employees work.

This article will teach you what to consider when moving to performance development.

Set goals  

Setting goals is vitally important and can significantly impact employee performance.

There are several factors managers need to consider when they set expectations:

goals need to be clear and specific
they need to have the right difficulty
employees need to be involved in the process

you need to track progress and offer feedback

How to set goals properly?

There are a couple of things managers should keep in mind. Here are some helpful pointers:

1. Make sure that the expectations are clear. Employees and managers should be on the same page regarding day-to-day work responsibilities. They should agree on what counts as an achievement or a failure (establishing what counts as an achievement, an acceptable result, and an unacceptable result). You should also identify priority activities to help you avoid problems with conflicting demands in the future.

2. Align the goals with the team and company work. By ensuring that goals align with team and company work, you can ensure that both teams and individual employees are more productive. Whenever feasible, you should link goals for employees to the company’s overall strategy—this way, you can demonstrate how individual performance contributes to the big picture.

3. Consult the employees. Employees should participate in their development by working together to set appropriately challenging and well-defined goals. In addition, involving employees in the goal-setting process is beneficial because it makes the goals more personal and motivating.

Create accountability

In simple words, accountability is how people take responsibility for their actions. In the workplace, accountability often gets a bad rep. Because of the top-down approach, employees tend to distrust their leaders, which often leads to discouragement.

To eliminate negative connotations, companies must establish a positive accountability culture. You can use the bottom-up management approach. The goal-setting, project-creating, and task-assigning processes are mainly driven by employee feedback. Employees can participate.

To create an accountability culture in business, the manager should:

Ensure that the team’s purpose and goals are clear
Explain the significance of the job given
Make sure the management and the team are on the same page regarding what constitutes adequate progress and how it will be measured
Designate each team member’s duties and obligations
Define the clear feedback timeline and process
Evaluate progress and change focus based on employee feedback.

Make sure to accomplish the following when executing reviews:

1. Celebrate successes. This is what a good review conversation should start with. Point out what works great and praise the employee before you move on to problems.
2. Be fair and accurate. Don’t hold employees accountable for things beyond their control, and don’t expect a performance level they can’t possibly achieve.
3. Ground them in data. Use qualitative metrics that illustrate the person’s performance and effectiveness in the context of the entire team’s expertise level and the job description.

4. Consider the employee’s development. The aim is to help the employee grow, so evaluating their skills and the progress toward their development goals is essential.

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