September 13, 2024

Impetigo: Symptoms and Treatments

Impetigo (im-puh-TIE-go) is a skin condition that mostly affects babies and little children. It’s a common and very contagious skin ailment. It often appears as reddish sores on the face, especially around the nose and mouth, as well as the hands and feet, among other areas. Over the course of a week, the lesions break and form honey-coloured crusts.

When impetigo is treated with medicines, the illness is less likely to spread. Keep youngsters home from school or daycare until they are no longer contagious. It usually takes 24 hours after commencing antibiotic medication for this to happen.


The emergence of red lesions around the nose and mouth is the most prevalent indication of impetigo. The sores quickly enlarge and rupture, bleeding for several days before solidifying into a honey-coloured crust. When sores are rubbed or covered with garments or towels, they may spread to other regions of the body. Itching and discomfort are usually insignificant.

Bullous impetigo is a less common kind of impetigo that affects babies and young children and causes larger blisters on the patient’s trunk. Ecthyma is a severe buy co codamol online
form of impetigo in which the skin develops painful fluid- or pus-filled blisters.

When should you make an appointment with a doctor?

If you suspect you or your child is suffering from impetigo, see your family doctor, your child’s paediatrician, or a dermatologist.


Impetigo is most often caused by staphylococci bacteria. When you come into contact with an infected person’s sores or anything that have been touched by them — such as clothing, bed linen, towels, and even toys — the bacteria that cause impetigo may spread.


Impetigo is often not a life-threatening disorder. In addition, lesions that occur in mild forms of the condition normally heal without leaving scars.

Impetigo may cause the following uncommon complications:

  • Cellulitis. This potentially fatal disease affects the tissues under the skin and has the potential to spread to the lymph nodes and circulatory system.
  • Kidney problems are a common ailment. One of the microorganisms that cause impetigo has the potential to harm the kidneys.
  • Scarring. Scarring may occur as a result of ecthyma sores.


The most effective method for keeping your skin healthy is to keep it clean. Cuts, scratches, insect bites, and other wounds must be washed as quickly as possible.

The following steps should be followed to prevent impetigo from spreading to others:

  • Wash the affected areas gently with mild soap and running water, then wrap with gauze to prevent further drying.
  • To prevent spreading the illness, wash an infected person’s clothes, sheets, and towels in hot water every day and don’t share them with anybody else in your family.
  • Gloves should be used while administering antibiotic ointment, and your hands should be thoroughly cleaned afterwards.
  • Reduce the length of an infected child’s nails to prevent infection from being scratched.
  • Handwashing, as well as general personal hygiene, should be emphasised on a regular and comprehensive basis.
  • Make sure your child stays at home until your doctor says they are no longer contagious.


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